3 Insights and 1 Warning from Peter Mallouk on Driving Growth Under Any Circumstances

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In March 2020, Covid-19 lockdowns were starting, businesses were scrambling, and the markets were in a state of shock. Despite all that, Creative Planning, Inc. had one of its best months ever. According to President and CEO Peter Mallouk, his firm brought in $500 million in net new assets. Instead of panicking and trying to get their money out of the markets, Peter says many of his clients were giving him more money to manage – and sending more referrals as well. The seeds that Peter’s firm planted many years ago led to his clients turning to the firm during a moment of unprecedented uncertainty. While great marketing will get you noticed, it’s the total client experience package that will get and keep clients as Peter’s firm has amply demonstrated. Some advisors lament the chaos caused by Covid-19, but others realize there’s a tremendous opportunity to go on offense and see this as a time to reach out to people who need you now more than ever. Covid-19 is teaching investors that there’s a big difference between auto depositing into a robo account and working with a professional who is sensitive to your unique life needs. And, increasingly, people are willing to pay for that difference, if you can deliver it. On a recent virtual event, Peter and I talked about how advisors at any level can develop the kind of five-star experience that underscores your value to existing clients, drives referrals, and protects your business from fee compression.

3 Insights and 1 Warning from Peter Mallouk on Driving Growth Under Any Circumstances

3 Insights and 1 Warning from Peter Mallouk on Driving Growth Under Any Circumstances
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