Sports Are For Perverts Now

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A musical trip down memory lane about the time the show reached the end of the Internet


The crew runs up against a rare real-life First Comic Book encounter

How to fashion a murder weapon out of a peewee soccer uniform

Holly meets a cell phone scammer while taping the show

Find out why this episode was almost called “I want pictures of Spider-Man’s pussy”

This episode Not sponsored by ReptiCon, coming soon to cities where we don’t live

All of that takes a solid hour and disguises the fact that this is our Caitlin Clark episode. Caught ya!

Jason poisons his own search algorithm to introduce us to a new conspiracy theory

This week's theme song arranged and performed by Anjuli Shah

Follow Jason's work and upcoming book-related appearances on Vacation Bible School, Shutdown Fullbooks, and elsewhere at

Find Holly and Spencer writing and chirping at, if you dare

Listen to Ryan's other, less harrowing podcasts, We're Not All Like This and Buried Treasure, and check out his new project at 

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Sports Are For Perverts Now

Sports Are For Perverts Now
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