Biden‘s Border Crisis : Updates and Thoughts from Our Grassroots Army

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“We maintain the peace through our strength, weakness only invites aggression. This strategy of deterrence has not changed. It still works. But what it takes to maintain deterrence has changed. “ - President Ronald Reagan ."

On day one, the Biden Administration dismantled the Trump Administration’s policies to secure and protect the integrity of our southern border. 

As a result, we have seen the number of encounters at the border rise to unprecedented heights, making this a humanitarian, public health and national security crisis. 

As Texas Senator Ted Cruz stated, there are three decisions that instigated this crisis:

The cancellation of the construction of the Border Wall
The reinstatement of the failed Catch-and-Released policy  
The termination of the international Remain in Mexico agreement 

The Department of Homeland Security is anticipating the release of up to 400,000 illegal immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico Border in this month alone. The Catch-and-Release numbers rose by a shocking 430,000% in August 2021 compared to August 2020. 

Though much time has passed, Reagan’s statement holds true: “we maintain the peace through our strength, weakness only invites aggression.”

We hope that you tune in to hear more about the crisis on our southern border, as well as the thoughts of our grassroots army. 

The Code Red Podcast explores critical national security issues through engaging discussions with experts, story telling of past events, and conversations with Legislators. We investigate the issues that threaten our sovereignty with in-depth analyses on how the decisions of our leaders impact America’s safety.
Today's Episode:
Hear updates on the Southern Border Crisis and sentiments from our grassroots army.
The Code Red Podcast is a publication of Secure America Now, the largest national security digital platform in the country. Since the early 2010s, Secure America Now has been fighting to bring critical security issues to the forefront of the American debate. Learn more at
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Biden‘s Border Crisis : Updates and Thoughts from Our Grassroots Army

Biden‘s Border Crisis : Updates and Thoughts from Our Grassroots Army
Release Date
