Ep33 State of SE Panel 1: Sales Enablement Experts

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Welcome to the Inside Sales Enablement Podcast, Episode 33In March 2020, the guys fielded a groundbreaking study on the Future of Sales Enablement. We wanted it to have more open ended answers to reduce the sampling error bias and to take different lenses and different tools that we could use as researchers to do our analysis. Our goal was to get 50 responses. You (Insider Nation) gave us 70 responses within a week! We ended up with over 100 responses to that start survey -- which is incredible.To help us analyze the raw data, we created our Insider Nation: Guest Analyst Program. Our first 3 guests analysts are:Tamara Schenk: Sales Enablement Leader | Advisor | Author | Speaker | Mentor | Empowering Human Potential in Sales Teams and LeadersJosie Marshburn: Founder of Sales Benchmark Index with previous leadership roles in Sales Enablement at Oracle and VM Ware.Mike Kunkle: VP of Sales Effectiveness Services at SPARXiQ To view the research method, visit https://www.OrchestrateSales.com/research/Join us at https://www.OrchestrateSales.com/podcast/ to collaborate with peers, join Insider Nation, participate in the conversation and be part of the continued elevation of the profession.EPISODE TRANSCRIPT:Nick Merinkers 00:02Welcome to the inside sales enablement podcast. Where has the profession been? Where is it now? And where is it heading? What does it mean to you, your company, other functions? The market? Find out here. Join the founding father of the sales enablement profession Scott Santucci and Trailblazer Brian Lambert, as they take you behind the scenes of the birth of an industry, the inside sales enablement podcast starts now.Scott Santucci 00:34I'm Scott SantucciBrian Lambert 00:36I'm Brian Lambert, we are the sales enablement insiders.Scott Santucci 00:40Today we have a special edition podcast. It's actually part it's it's actually part of our overall study on the state of sales enablement. And the program that we're doing that we've been sharing with you as listeners. So, to remind everybody, our COVID-19 series started off with a panel and the panel conversation was with Dr. Howard Dover, from the University of Texas, Dallas, we had Kanaal Metha, who is a operations portfolio executive at TCP. And then we had Lindsey Gore, who's a enterprise sales executive to keep us honest. And in that, in that series, we ran into a pretty interesting conversation, which was around how are your companies going to react to all this COVID. And a discussion happened about Well, where's the state of sales enablement, going to lead to? Well, that definitely was concerning. So, what we did Brian and I talked about it, and we decided that what we needed to do is do a study. So, what we what we put together was a survey. And we wanted it to have more open-ended answers rather than asking, you know, direct questions that are, you know, yes or no, or things that you can measure, partially because we're trying to reduce the sampling error bias, we're trying to take different lenses and different tools. So, you know, as former researchers to do it, our goal was to get 50 responses, we thought that setting our target as having 25 would be rich, because this is much more qualitative than quantitative feedback. And that having 25 responses from sales enable professionals about where they think the world's heading is great. Well, what did you do as insider nation gave us 70 responses within a week? So, it's been difficult for those of us on our end, Brian, and eyes in formatting it. And then of course, on our our esteemed panelists, in which we're going to introduce here in a minute sorting through all your...

Ep33 State of SE Panel 1: Sales Enablement Experts

Ep33 State of SE Panel 1: Sales Enablement Experts
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