12 Week Plan Live Event Workshop 1: Where Are We NOT Who We Say We Are

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“Soaking it up in a hot tub with my soul mate.” How many of you played sports in high school? How many of you have listened to a voicemail that you left for someone else and cringed at the sound of your own voice? For some reason, we decided having a podcast was a good idea, and every time I hear one of mine I’m like…is that really what I sound like? It’s Painful! I remember being in high school and watching film. Anyone remember film sessions? All the guys in here who peaked junior year of high school are like… oh yeah! Should have seen my film! They called me freight train! Haha. Here’s the thing with watching films… there’s nowhere to hide!!! The film doesn’t lie. Here’s the thing in that first clip…Uncle Rico, the character talking there wasn’t willing to look at reality…and probably NEVER watched the film. He wasn’t willing  To look at hard things and say…maybe I’m just not any good. To think critically. No, he lived in this dream land where he was the victim and wasn’t even remotely living in reality. So what’s the opposite of that? What’s naming the hard look like? For us…we started adding questions regularly to our team check-ins…yep the same check-ins we ask you guys to have, we put into practice every two weeks. Here’s the question we ask… Where are we, as a business or team, NOT who we say we are? Where are we overpromising and underdelivering? Because here’s the thing. I guarantee when you get referred from someone, they are hearing about it. Everyone who works with you already knows. So, if we’re not answering that question internally, we’re lying to ourselves. We have to pull back a bit and watch our own film as a business owner. To listen to our sales calls, which we do also, and ask…are we delivering on what we promise our clients? To look at our marketing and ask if that’s really what we offer? To intentionally make time to identify the hard things so that you can move past them or at least deal with them…and for lack of a better word, to watch the film on our business and know what we truly look like?  So here are 3 questions I want you to kick around as a team… 1. Where are you, as a business or team, NOT who you say you are? 2. What are the biggest pains in the business today (which ones have we overcome in the recent past)? 3. What frightens you as a business or what adversity is coming your way?

12 Week Plan Live Event Workshop 1: Where Are We NOT Who We Say We Are

12 Week Plan Live Event Workshop 1: Where Are We NOT Who We Say We Are
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