145: Hitting $1 Million in Revenue This Year with 3 of My Mastermind Students

Release Date:

Can you imagine bringing in over $1 Million in revenue in one year? What if I told you anyone can do it? Anyone who is willing to work hard, to never give up. Anyone who is willing to get up every day, hustle, and implement. 
In this episode, I’m joined by three members of my Elevate Mastermind. All three have wildly successful businesses. And all three hit $1 Million in revenue this year! All three are past guests on this podcast, so you might be familiar with their stories. Tamara Bennett, Tracey Pounds, and Cindy Manly are here to share some of the “secrets” to their success and to inspire you to pursue your subscription box dreams. 
These successful business owners have several things in common. 

They’re all in the arts & crafts space. 

They all have memberships and subscription boxes - multiple streams of income. 

They all have both physical and digital offerings. 

Learn from Tamara. Start with one thing, get super clear about it, and work out the kinks. Give it six or eight months or even a year. Don’t be in a rush to add something else. 
Learn from Tracy. Stay focused, be consistent, and pour into serving your audience. 
Learn from Cindy. Give your audience more of what they want. Use an SLO to fund Facebook Ads that bring new people into your world, people who will become customers of various offers. Cindy put strategies into play that resulted in a $300,000 month in October! 
Dreaming big is easy. Doing what it takes to make those big dreams come true takes work. It takes a willingness to expand. 

Expand your thinking

Expand audience building

Expand ad spend 

Wondering how much of these ladies’ total revenue is recurring revenue? The kind of recurring revenue that means not hustling to make sales every day. The kind of recurring revenue that brings stability to your business. 

Tracey - 57% 

Tamara - 75% (this is my number, too)

Cindy - 70%

One thing each of these ladies does so well is staying in their lane. They each have a niche - a sweet spot. Instead of trying to appeal to a wide range of people, they stay true to their perfect person. Their incredible growth has come from filling all the little gaps over the years, serving their perfect person’s needs, and creating multiple revenue streams. The riches truly are in the niches. 
I asked each of these million-dollar business owners to give listeners one piece of advice. Their advice - and mine - is to:  

Show up. 

Be consistent. 

Surround yourself with people who lift you up and support you. 

Give it time. It doesn’t happen overnight. 

Join me and three of my Mastermind students to find out how they hit $1 Million in sales this year, what they contributed their success to, and how you can take what they did and apply it to your own business. 

Find and follow Tracey 

Miss Tracey Creates on Facebook

Miss Tracey Creates on Instagram

Miss Tracey Creates Website

Find and follow Tamara 

Southern Adoornments Decor on Facebook

Southern Adoornments Decor on Instagram

Southern Adoornments Decor Website

Find and follow Cindy 

Art Shattered on Facebook

Art Shattered on Instagram

Art Shattered Website

Join me in all the places: 



Launch Your Box with Sarah Website 

Are you ready for Launch Your Box? Our complete training program walks you step by step through how to start, launch, and grow your subscription box business. Join today!

Get 30 Days FREE when you switch to Subbly: https://join.subbly.co/sarah-williams
Use code LAUNCHWELCOME at https://www.boxup.com/ to get 10% off your first order

145: Hitting $1 Million in Revenue This Year with 3 of My Mastermind Students

145: Hitting $1 Million in Revenue This Year with 3 of My Mastermind Students
Release Date
