113: How Cotton Chaos 5X Their Subscribers with a Strategic Launch Plan

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Have you ever set a really big goal for your business? A goal that made you feel a little dizzy at the thought of trying to reach it, but you got brave and made it anyway? That’s what Whitney and Andrea, the dynamic duo behind Cotton Chaos did at the beginning of 2022. 
Cotton Chaos is a graphic t-shirt business that sells retail and wholesale tees. They also have a t-shirt subscription that launched in January 2021 with 35 subscribers. After that initial launch, they found Launch Your Box and launched again in what they call “Sarah’s Way,” and grew to 100 subscribers. But they weren’t done yet.  
That big goal? Whitney and Andrea decided that in 2022 they were going to reach the 500 subscriber mark. Yep, they made a goal to increase their subscriber count by 500%! 
Part of their plan to reach that goal included joining me inside my signature course, Scale Your Box. They were dream students, soaking up all the knowledge and implementing what they learned. 
By the end of 2022, they had done it. Their T-Shirt Club had hit 500 subscribers! So how did they do it? 

They ran a promotion for a free shirt for new subscribers (current members got one, too). 

They brought on affiliates for the club - people who sold other things but whose audiences contained Whitney and Andrea’s ideal customers.

After the first 2022 launch, they went to a closed cart model to create FOMO. 

Every month, they ran a 48-hour promo email series to their waitlist. 

They ran a “get in before the price increase” promo at the end of the year. 

Whitney and Andrea launched again in February of this year. They ran a four-day launch and gained 155 new subscribers!
The ladies of Cotton Chaos reached their BIG goal and I couldn’t be more proud! They’re back in Scale Your Box again and this time focusing on adding expansion revenue into their business as they continue to grow. 
Join me for this episode as Whitney and Andrea take us through their journey from 100 to 500 subscribers in just one year and all the lessons they put into practice to help get them there!  

Find and follow Cotton Chaos: 

Cotton Chaos on Instagram

Cotton Chaos on Facebook 

Cotton Chaos Website

Cotton Chaos on TikTok

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113: How Cotton Chaos 5X Their Subscribers with a Strategic Launch Plan

113: How Cotton Chaos 5X Their Subscribers with a Strategic Launch Plan
Release Date
