089: Managing Content Creation and Showing Up On Video with Dana Bowling

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I’m so excited to have Dana Bowling of Show Up on Video join me today to talk about practical strategies to create content in a way that is doable and effective as well as ways to conquer feelings around showing up on video. 
Dana brings her background as a casting director and acting coach to her current business where she helps ambitious entrepreneurs learn how to own being the face of their businesses. Dana is a speaker, a coach, and a podcast host. Her podcast, Show Up on Video, helps motivate business owners to create valuable content and share it with their audiences. As she likes to say, “It’s all content.” 
Content creation is all about showing up and serving your audience. Don’t be afraid of giving too much away. Serving your audience by sharing valuable content with them builds your authority and your know/like/trust factor. In other words, when they’re ready to buy, you’ve made yourself the obvious choice. 
Dana took me through her content creation framework which could work for any subscription box owner. This framework starts with brainstorming content ideas and puts you where you belong - at the center. 
Identify four content pillars. For example, if I used this framework, my pillars might be: 

Subscription boxes 

Crazy, busy mom life


Behind the scenes 

Instead of focusing on the outcome, focus on the process 

Identify three content ideas for each pillar.

Face to camera


Trending sound 

For each idea, come up with 1-2 ways you can talk about it.
Yes, one of those ways to talk about your content is face to camera. Dana knows just like I know that this causes anxiety in so many of you. So she has three great tips to make being on camera easier. 
Get more comfortable talking on camera when the purpose is not to create content. 

Send video messages to friends or customers. 

Create social media stories - they only last for 24 hours!

Hop on video chats with friends. 

Record without the intention to post. This takes the pressure off and sometimes you’ll surprise yourself by coming up with something good!  
Good lighting, hair, makeup, clothes you feel good in, even using a subtle filter. 
Do whatever makes you feel better about being on camera. 
Think about who you serve and how your content can help them have a better day. 
Remember that your audience is much more interested in and worried about themselves than about you! 
Join me for this episode as Dana shares valuable strategies for creating content and feeling more comfortable showing up on video. Don’t miss this chance to learn how to serve your audience and your business with your content. 
Find and follow Dana: 

Dana Bowling on Instagram

Show Up on Video Podcast  

Dana Bowling’s Website

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Launch Your Box with Sarah Website 

Are you ready for Launch Your Box? Our complete training program walks you step by step through how to start, launch, and grow your subscription box business. Join the waitlist today! 

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089: Managing Content Creation and Showing Up On Video with Dana Bowling

089: Managing Content Creation and Showing Up On Video with Dana Bowling
Release Date
