Leading Successful Change Through Storytelling - 220

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So many organisations struggle to implement change effectively. Certainly in my many years of being involved in projects and big change programmes, I rarely saw one that didn’t overrun, exceed the budget and lose employee goodwill along the way. It wasn’t until I left the corporate world and trained in marketing, sales and influencing that I understood why it happened so often, and how to proactively dismantle the barriers and obstacles that get in the way. So … in this show I want to answer two questions for you: Why are most organisations crap at effecting change? How can stories help leaders to make change happen successfully? And just so that we’re on the same page … to me successful change means minimal deviation from plan and budget, minimal disruption and minimal loss of employee goodwill. Enjoy!   What you’ll learn: Why most organisations struggle to implement change successfully  The Star Trek story that illustrates why change is hard. Why I fell out of love with the 80’s Highlander film and how that can help you win hearts and minds. The map for a story led change talk How to use that map to create your talk Why you should pay extra attention to the questions you get asked by your audience The three different groups you will find in every change scenario. Why you don’t need to be creative to use stories in your talks And more!!   Leave a rating or review for The Speaking Club (Take a photo of your review and get a free e-copy of my book Cracking Speech Mate - How to Use Humour to Make You an Amazing Speaker!)   Books: Grab your copy of Straight to the Top - How to Create and Deliver a Killer Elevator Pitch Grab your copy of Cracking Speech Mate - How to Add Humour to Make You An Amazing Speaker   Resources: UNICEF UKRAINE AID RED CROSS UKRAINE AID Nail Your Signature Talk Programme Take the Snackable Story Challenge The Speaking Club Facebook Group The Speaking Club ‘Live’ Membership https://www.saraharcher.co.uk https://www.ratethispodcast.com/tsc www.lemon-squeeze.co.uk/crunch Thanks for listening!   To share your thoughts:   leave a comment below.   Share this show on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.   To help the show out:   Leave an honest review at https://www.ratethispodcast.com/tsc. Your ratings and reviews really help get the word out and I read each one.    Subscribe on iTunes. *(please note if you use my link I get a small commission, but this does not affect your payment)

Leading Successful Change Through Storytelling - 220

Leading Successful Change Through Storytelling - 220
Release Date
