The importance of maintaining healthy teeth - Giringîya hîştina diranên tendirust

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Maintaining healthy teeth can help prevent gum disease and cavities. Brushing and flossing properly can also help prevent plaque, a thin film of bacteria that sticks to your teeth. After you eat, bacteria convert the sugar on your teeth into acids that erode tooth enamel and leave behind cavities. Dr Omid Alan, a Kurdish speaking dentist in Sydney, tells us how to keep our teeth healthy. - Parastina diranên saxlem dikare bibe alîkar da ku pêşî li nexweşî û kavilbûnê bigire. Firçekirin û şûştina bi rêkûpêk jî dikare bibe alîkar ku pêşî li plak, bermahiyê xwarinê ku dibin bakteriya. Piştî ku hûn xwarinê gelekî girînge ku mirov diranên xwe firçe bike. Dr Omêd Alan ku li sydney pijîjkê diranane ji me re behsa çawa diranên xwe tendurist bihêlî dike.

The importance of maintaining healthy teeth - Giringîya hîştina diranên tendirust

The importance of maintaining healthy teeth - Giringîya hîştina diranên tendirust
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