How to spot scams, heading into tax season - Kif tinduna bi skemi ta’ qerq

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With Australians entering tax season, experts are urging caution due to a high number of scammers using the opportunity to target Australians for their personal information. New data from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia suggests 24 per cent of Australians have already been targeted with a tax-related scam, with 31 per cent struggling to identify different types of scams. - Wasal iż-żmien tal-mili tal-formula tat-taxxa u esperti qegħdin iwissu biex kulħadd joqgħod attent minn skemi ta’ qerq, li f’dan iz-zmien jikbru. Skemi bħal dawn qegħdin jintuzaw biex tittieħed informazzjoni personali mill-individwu li jkun biex imbagħad ikunu jistgħu jinsterqu flus mill-kontijiet tal-bank li jkollok.

How to spot scams, heading into tax season - Kif tinduna bi skemi ta’ qerq

How to spot scams, heading into tax season - Kif tinduna bi skemi ta’ qerq
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