The Wire - September 17, 2024

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//The Wire//2000Z September 17, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: CLANDESTINE ISRAELI OPERATION RESULTS IN WIDESPREAD INJURIES IN LEBANON.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Middle East: This morning Israeli forces enacted a covert sabotage plan that has apparently been in the works for some time. This morning, thousands of communications devices exploded throughout Lebanon at exactly the same time. So far, initial reporting from Lebanon indicates roughly 2,800 Lebanese citizens have been injured and/or killed as a result of the coordinated targeting effort (though this number is probably overinflated). The number of Hezbollah militants wounded in this operation is not known, with official statements by Hezbollah being inconclusive so far.AC: Details are hard to verify, however this probably a modernized version of Project ELDEST SON (and/or the subsequent spin-off versions of this operation that surely came after the Vietnam era). Though largely speculation at present, this was likely a plan many weeks in the making. Israel probably concealed explosives inside pagers with the intention of covertly distributing these communications devices among Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon. Then, once the devices made their way through Hezbollah’s networks and allegedly into the hands of Hezbollah operatives (over a period of time), the explosives in the pagers could be detonated remotely all at the same exact moment. Of note, initial media speculation has centered around Israel “hacking” ordinary electronic devices in some way, resulting in the batteries overheating and exploding. This is almost certainly NOT the case; considering the remains of the devices found and posted on social media (along with the historical context) it’s overwhelmingly likely that the devices in question were tampered with and packed with a small amount of military-grade explosives. So far, most of the pagers that have been noted to explode are models that only contain user-replaceable alkaline AA or AAA batteries anyway, which are not explosive.-----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: The recent Israeli operations in Lebanon have very strongly indicated the existence and/or continuation of some of the most clandestine military operations in world history. In years past, insurgents in the GWOT era from Iraq to Afghanistan eventually got wise to the vulnerabilities posed by their cellphones. Now, thanks to Israel, the cat is out of the bag and insurgents around the world know that they not only have to worry about their electronic devices being tracked, but them remotely exploding as well. However, this is not entirely an unknown tactic, similar efforts have been noted to be in use by both sides during the Ukrainian War…discarded AK-47 magazines booby-trapped with explosives that are set to detonate when the magazine is inserted into a weapon and the first round fired, have been discovered on the eastern front. Some of which allegedly allowed for the remote detonation of the device, not simply being triggered by the carelessness of the person who picked it up. Though in Ukraine, both sides using the same weapons systems is likely a complicating factor for this method.This tradecraft is not without extreme risk; gambling on an explosively-rigged device making it into the hands of an insurgent is risky. After all, a device may end up in the hands of an innocent civilian, as may have happened in at least some cases this morning in Lebanon. However, as Israel does not abide by most western doctrine when it comes to the concept of Civilian Casualties (CIVCAS) within the realm of kinetic targeting, this was likely not a factor considered during the planning phases of this clandestine operation. As there is only enough void space inside these specific consumer grade electronics for a small charge, this method usually is not effective in killing the target, but rather maiming them. This is supported

The Wire - September 17, 2024

The Wire - September 17, 2024
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