The Wire - July 14, 2024 - PRIORITY

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//The Wire//0030Z July 14, 2024////PRIORITY////BLUF: FOLLOW ON REPORTING CLARIFIES DETAILS OF TRUMP SHOOTING. NO MAJOR I&W’S YET OF STRATEGIC CONCERN FOLLOWING THE SHOOTING.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------HomeFront-Pennsylvania: President Trump remains under medical evaluation following his assassination attempt this afternoon. Authorities have not commented on his condition other than to confirm that he suffered non-life threatening wounds as a result of the assassination attempt.News footage following the incident indicates at least two people in the crowd were wounded by the shooter, one of which who has succumbed to their wounds. The surviving bystander remains in critical condition. Users on social media have posted footage of a body lying on the rooftop of a small shelter adjacent to the event venue, indicating the shooter sought and successfully occupied a vantage point that served as key terrain and offered line of sight to the stage.-Strategic Indications and Warnings-Pacific: The USCG has not provided any update in some time regarding the position of the Chinese PLAN Task Force currently operating in the Bering Sea. By last press release, the vessels were conducting maneuvers approximately 100nm north of the Aleutian Island chain, but that report is now stale by several days.Homeland: NORAD has not provided any information regarding potential aerial threats within the past few hours, nor has the FAA issued any potentially concerning TFRs or airspace closures. HFGCS and BearNet traffic appears normal at this time. No sudden or concerning increase in military aviation has been noted within the past few hours.-----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: Substantial efforts have been noted to manipulate the flow of information on social media following this incident, with the production of falsified information, along with the traffic from bots, being unlike any time period in recent memory. Some social media platforms are barely usable due to the intense posting by bots and those seeking to shape the narrative alike. Exceptionally violet rhetoric has been noted on social media following the attempted assassination of President Trump. This rhetoric includes mainstream media sources, which have sought to downplay the incident.In the fray of the information space, minute details, however unorganized are important to consider (or at least log) for later corroboration. As such, the following data points are being noted for posterity, without being verified with any confidence:-          A BBC interview with a man immediately following the incident indicates that the shooter may have been spotted approaching the venue long before the shots were fired. This witness suggests that the Secret Service had some limited advanced warning of the attack.Analyst: S2A1//END REPORT//

The Wire - July 14, 2024 - PRIORITY

The Wire - July 14, 2024 - PRIORITY
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