The Wire - August 27, 2024

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//The Wire//2300Z August 27, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: KURSK OFFENSIVE CONTINUES, RUSSIA MAKES GAINS IN THE EAST.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-United Kingdom: The crackdown on dissent continues as the arrest of peaceful protesters remains constant. AC: Details regarding demonstrations and protests have slowed, likely due to government suppression, censorship, or by most people choosing to protect themselves by not posting online. As such, most of the information confirming the presence of protests are arrest reports or other official press statements.Russia: As conflict in Kursk remains fluid, Russia has made gains on the eastern front. Russian troops have made limited advances in the Donetsk region, with notable advances to expand the salient northwest of Donetsk into Marynivka. -HomeFront-Georgia: Two workers were killed conducting routine maintenance at the Delta TechOps facility in Atlanta. The incident occurred when a large aircraft tire exploded, killing two workers and seriously injuring a third.-----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: As always, there are two sides to every coin, which is most poignantly demonstrated in Kursk. Russia has almost certainly slowed the Ukrainian advance somewhat, or at minimum greatly reduced the risk to the city of Kursk for the time being. However, it’s not likely that Ukraine ever really intended for their advance to capture (or even challenge) Kursk from the very onset of this operation. For the past week, the situation in Kursk has remained extremely fluid and open to interpretation; very few details indicate how the situation is going, with neither side convincingly holding any terrain unquestionably. Analyst: S2A1//END REPORT//

The Wire - August 27, 2024

The Wire - August 27, 2024
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