96: Finding Your Next Amazing Job and Pivoting Your Career with Jenny Blake

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Jenny Blake is an author, career and business strategist and speaker who helps people organize their brain, move beyond burnout, and find the careers they love. After leaving what many consider to be a dream job at Google, she helps people find meaning and focus in finding their next job. In other words, she helps people pivot their careers.  Visit our Influencer Economy Website for my information on the book and podcast: http://www.influencereconomy.com/ Sign-up for our email list and I will send you an article: The 7 Habits of Influencers and an Influencer Economy CheckList for launching your business. Jenny Blake's new book is called PIVOT: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One. In Pivot, she helps people create a new mindset and framework for how to find their next career move. In the era of The Infleuncer Economy, all of us want to build build sustainable and dynamic careers they love. Jenny wants to push people into the right direction to find their own career paths and pivots. Drawing from Jenny's experiences and her research talking to other successful pivoters, She has created a four-stage framework that teaches anyone how to seamlessly and continually: Double-down on existing strengths, interests, and experiences  Find new opportunities and identify skills to develop without falling prey to analysis-paralysis and compare-and-despair  Run small experiments to determine next steps  Take smart risks to launch with confidence in a new direction    If you like our podcast, please leave a review on iTunes - it really helps new listers discover our work. We are independently produced and appreciate the support! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-from-influencer-economy/id820744212?mt=2 Learn more at Jenny Blake's website on Pivot: http://www.pivotmethod.com/ Follow Jenny Blake on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jenny_Blake

96: Finding Your Next Amazing Job and Pivoting Your Career with Jenny Blake

96: Finding Your Next Amazing Job and Pivoting Your Career with Jenny Blake
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