The Case for Caution: Why we Should NOT Invade Iraq. A talk from 2002. (Raises some good, long term issues).

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During the lead up to the Iraq War of 2003 I was very active in raising concerns about why this would be a bad decision.  I was interviewed scores of times and spoke scores more to civic groups, churches, and anyone who wanted to listen to me.  I also delivered two major talks.  One was in 2002 as Congress prepared to vote on the "authorization to use force" resolution.  I feared the invasion would be a catastrophe and explained why the first Bush administration had been cautious.  The second talk was four years later when I explained why it had turned out to be the catastrophe I feared.   This is the first of those talks.  I will post the second talk in a few weeks. These are period pieces from a time at least two decades ago.  You may find them boring.  But you may also find them very interesting.  They do address some ongoing issues. Glitch:  Once when I was discussing our difficult relations with Israel I said that there was a danger that Iraq would get involved in the war.  Blah!  Obviously I meant to say there was a danger that Israel might get involved.  I think that is obvious from the context, but I wanted to mention it to you. 

The Case for Caution: Why we Should NOT Invade Iraq. A talk from 2002. (Raises some good, long term issues).

The Case for Caution: Why we Should NOT Invade Iraq. A talk from 2002. (Raises some good, long term issues).
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