The Atlantic Executive Director Hadley Haut

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Respecting History, Protecting the Future, and Maintaining Healthy Office Culture with Hadley Haut   Episode 288: Show Notes   Candidates should approach the company they want to work for with deliberate ambition, armed with adequate research and the will to uphold that company’s values. Today’s guest, Hadley Haut, did exactly that on her way to becoming Executive Director of Talent and Culture at The Atlantic. One thing that her company has managed to do successfully is maintain its office culture after the difficulties of the pandemic, and our guest explains just how they did it and why working in-office is still extremely valuable for all employees. Key Points From This Episode: Introducing Hadley Haut, Executive Director of Talent and Culture at The Atlantic. The Atlantic’s history and how the idea of abolishing slavery led Hadley to her current role.  How she deals with the pressures of upholding the company’s legacy. Whether it’s important for candidates to be connected to the history of the company. The pros of being deliberate in choosing the company you want to work for.  Hadley’s process of joining The Atlantic and how she carved out a role for herself.  What she did in the early days after being hired to address culture at The Atlantic.  Her assessment of agencies and what they can do to improve.  Why agencies are becoming more formulaic and doing less to build real relationships. How she’d assess whether an agency was doing or saying the right things. The campaigns she’s busy working on now.  How to adjust and maintain harmony in a hybrid office environment post-pandemic. Why working in-office is still valuable.  Hadley’s advice to people who are looking to forge a career in her line of work.     Tweetables: “[At The Atlantic] you’re a part of history, on the right side of it. So, speaking truth and approaching ideas in new and not always comfortable ways.” — @HadleyHaut [0:05:10]   “It’s really hard looking for a job, and no one should be treated with anything other than respect.” — @HadleyHaut [0:23:00]   “When you’re ready for a new job, the best thing you can do is reach out to a company where you really want to work, because that’s the first thing anyone who is hiring you will notice.” — @HadleyHaut [0:38:09]   “When there’s a personal connection to something, life is more fulfilling, you do better work, you change, you make a difference in the world.” — @HadleyHaut [0:38:36]   “We could use a little more kindness in this world.” — @HadleyHaut [0:39:31]   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:   Hadley Haut on Twitter Hadley Haut on LinkedIn  The Atlantic The Case for Reparations Ta-Nehisi Coates Hired

The Atlantic Executive Director Hadley Haut

The Atlantic Executive Director Hadley Haut
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