Job Seeker Expectations vs. Reality with Tali Rapaport

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Today we are joined by the Co-founder of Puck, Tali Rapaport. Tali is passionate about helping employees find the right work environment based on their specific stories. Tuning in, you’ll hear all about Tali and what drove her to start Puck. She elaborates on the importance of transparency in the job application process, why you need to connect with each individual person’s story, as well as the challenges she has encountered in her line of work. We also discuss the disconnect Tali sees in what employees hear and what they see about their roles as well as what she thinks people want to see when applying for a job. Next, we look into why day-to-day tasks are not selling points when searching for employees before diving into Puck’s use of podcasts and audio to tell personal stories. Tali also talks us through the way today’s work environment affects Puck, how candidates are matched with employees and vice-versa, along with why recruitment marketing is imperative. Finally, Tali explains what she sees as ‘storytelling’ in her line of work.  Key Points From This Episode:   An introduction to today’s guest, Tali Rapaport.  A bit about Tali’s background and what drove her to start her company, Puck. The importance of being transparent about what a particular job requires of employees. The challenges Tali saw while she was working with Lyft.  The importance of connecting with employees and their specific ‘stories.’  How Tali figured out that there’s a disconnect between what employees read about their roles and what they see. What Tali thinks people want to see when applying for a job. Why day-to-day tasks are a terrible thing to sell on in the job application process.  When Tali realized that these application problems were significant enough to start a company that would address them. The solution she envisions for these problems: audio rather than video.  How Puck makes use of podcasts.  Puck’s goals for the audio they create: the use of personal story.  Where Puck’s innovative content is used.  The current state of how people expect to do work and how it influences the way that Tali presents her company. How Tali finds candidates that fit into a company’s work-life approach and vice versa. Why the fit on title and salary isn’t enough.  Tali explains the Puck interview process. Why Tali thinks large companies should have a person dedicated to recruitment marketing.  What Tali means when she talks about ‘storytelling.’  Where the name “Puck” comes from.    Tweetables:   “You don't need to be communicating to a lot of people to communicate clearly and with specifics. I think that that's part of the storytelling that people are missing.” — @TaliR [0:08:43]   “There's a difference between what people put in a job description and the questions candidates want answered when applying to the job.” — @TaliR [0:10:14]   “It's so much easier to connect with a story about a person than it is to connect with a bullet point. That's a bullet that someone will read and forget. It helps you as a storyteller, as a company, as an individual make a lasting impression on the people that are considering joining you.” — @TaliR [0:18:12]   “The right team for you is not the right team for me or the next person who comes in. So if you can sell on your team, that's, I think, the best.” — @TaliR [0:24:45]   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:   Tali Rapaport on LinkedIn Tali Rapaport on Twitter Puck Talk Talent to Me Hired

Job Seeker Expectations vs. Reality with Tali Rapaport

Job Seeker Expectations vs. Reality with Tali Rapaport
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