#522 A Stroll Through the Edible Gardens of Batemans: From Historic Homes to Home Harvests

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Welcome back to The Veg Grower Podcast! Episode #522 takes you on a delightful journey through the edible gardens of Batemans, a historic National Trust property, and provides a sneak peek into the latest updates from our very own veg garden. Join me, Richard, as we explore the charm of Batemans and discover the joys of home harvests.

Garden Update:

We kick off this week's episode by diving straight into my veg garden. After the productive week we had last time, clearing out spaces and preparing for the growing season, exciting developments are underway. One of the highlights is the creation of our very own nursery area, strategically positioned right in front of our trusty greenhouse.

This nursery area is designed to efficiently nurture our young plants, creating a seamless production line from sowing seeds to final planting. While it's still a work in progress, plans are coming together beautifully. However, the soaring wood prices have added a slight twist to our building endeavours.

We'll also discuss the saga of an old bottle fridge that attempted to serve as a cold frame earlier this year. It got a bit too enthusiastic and cooked our plants, leading to a tough decision about its fate.

And what's a week in the veg garden without some cabbage talk? More cabbages have been planted, and a couple have been harvested, leaving us with an intriguing question: will we have cabbages for Christmas? The answer lies in our winter preparations.

Our harvest basket is brimming with courgettes, raspberries, tomatoes, chillies, aubergines, carrots, and much more. The supermarket aisles seem a world away as we revel in the joys of growing our own produce.

As the days grow shorter, it's also time to tackle the seed tins, sorting and organizing, ensuring that we're well-prepared for next year's gardening adventures.

But hold on, we're just getting started! Stay tuned for an exciting trip to Batemans, a National Trust property, and discover the latest from our supporters club.

Join the supporters club:

The supporters club is the backbone of The Veg Grower Podcast, keeping it thriving and growing. By becoming a member, you'll receive a monthly seed collection delivered right to your doorstep. These seeds aren't just for show; they're ready to be sown, aligning perfectly with the seasons. And for our dear listeners, consider leaving a rating and review. Your feedback warms our gardening hearts and helps others discover the green corner of our podcast world.

Trip to Batemans:

Our journey takes an exciting twist as we visit Batemans, a National Trust property steeped in history. While this segment is unscripted, the experience was nothing short of fascinating.

You can find out more about Batemans here.

Or to look into visiting check out the National trust page.

Chef Scott recipe of the week:

Our culinary expert, Scott, brings us a delightful recipe perfect for October: Celeriac, Apple, and Walnut Soup. This comforting soup combines classic flavors and works wonders in the autumn months. Scott guides us through the recipe, making sure to include an optional but highly recommended sprinkling of blue cheese.

Allotment Update:

Back on the allotment, we encounter surprises and challenges. Swiss chard finds its new home, adding vibrant hues to our garden. But a surprise lurks beneath the soil—a black membrane that explains the struggles of our sweetcorn.

Our trusty elder tree gets a much-needed pruning, taming its wild side, but now we're left with a pile of trimmings and a lack of space in the compost bins.

Winter projects are on the horizon, including the relocation of our shed. The journey begins with dismantling the old compost bin, a task made easier by repurposed pallet wood. Comfrey-covered ground awaits levelling, setting the stage for future shed-moving endeavours.


As we conclude this episode, we invite you to explore the full recipe and find more informatio...

#522 A Stroll Through the Edible Gardens of Batemans: From Historic Homes to Home Harvests

#522 A Stroll Through the Edible Gardens of Batemans: From Historic Homes to Home Harvests
Release Date
