#520 Winter Ready: Greenhouse Prep and More

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As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisper, it's a tell-tale sign that winter is just around the corner. But for dedicated gardeners, the changing seasons bring new opportunities and challenges. In the latest episode of the Veg Grower Podcast, we dive into the world of winter gardening, focusing on an essential aspect of the preparation—getting your greenhouse ready for the colder months. Join me, Richard, as we explore the ins and outs of greenhouse prep and delve into some exciting updates from our allotment and garden.

Allotment Adventures

Before we open the doors to the greenhouse, let's take a stroll through our allotment. It hasn't been all smooth sailing, as Mother Nature decided to play a trick on us with strong winds knocking over our beloved sweetcorn. But, as true gardeners do, we're making the best of the situation. We're harvesting whatever's ripe, clearing out those pesky weeds, and planting some delicious garlic, including unique varieties that we've carefully saved from our previous harvest.

Our allotment is a testament to the cycle of life and the resilience of nature. It's a place where we learn from every challenge and celebrate every success, no matter how big or small.

Supporters Club: Sowing Seeds of Support

A big shout out to our Supporters Club members who are with us every step of the way. In this week's update, we've been busy sowing daikon radish and corn salad. The Supporters Club plays a crucial role in keeping this podcast running, and it's an opportunity for you to join our gardening community. For just £5 a month, you'll gain access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content and receive a curated collection of seeds each month, perfectly timed for sowing. Learn more by clicking the button below and become a part of our growing family.

Greenhouse Prep

Now, let's turn our attention to the star of the show—the greenhouse. Often associated with spring and summer, greenhouses are the secret weapon of winter gardeners. They allow us to extend the growing season, cultivate winter-loving crops like lettuce, and provide a warm haven for delicate plants during the colder months.

Our journey begins with a thorough greenhouse cleaning. We empty everything out, careful not to disturb our thriving tomato plants, which are still producing fruit. Using warm water and a bit of elbow grease, we wash away the dirt and dust that have accumulated over the seasons. Our goal is to create a clean and inviting space for our winter crops.

We emphasize a chemical-free approach, avoiding disinfectants and opting for a good old-fashioned water wash. Afterward, we leave the greenhouse windows open for an hour to promote ventilation and wash all the items that were removed.

Next, we inspect the greenhouse beds, adding nutrient-rich compost and addressing any necessary repairs. Attention to detail is key, right down to tightening all nuts and bolts to ensure the structure is solid.

One of our greenhouse secrets is the water-butt, strategically placed to act as a heat battery. During the day, it soaks up the sun's rays, warming the water inside. At night, it releases that stored heat, providing a cosy environment for our plants.

Winter Gardening Delights

With everything in place, our greenhouse prep is now ready for autumn and winter gardening. As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, we'll be sowing and tending to a variety of cold-hardy crops, ensuring a fresh supply of homegrown produce throughout the winter.

In our garden update, we celebrate successes like harvesting tasty celery and preparing for the winter and spring with potted brassicas. We bid farewell to the spent runner beans and make room for more garlic, eager to explore different varieties and flavours.

Our cucumber plants have gracefully completed their journey, reminding us that in gardening, as in life, every season has its beginning and its end.


#520 Winter Ready: Greenhouse Prep and More

#520 Winter Ready: Greenhouse Prep and More
Release Date
