#503 Sow Now for Winter Veg and Garden Delights

Release Date:

In this episode of the Veg Grower Podcast, we delve into the wonders of embracing the seasons in our gardens and allotments. Join Richard, your host and passionate gardener, as he shares valuable insights on what to sow now for winter veg, provides updates on his own garden and allotment, and offers a delightful recipe featuring fresh spinach.

Allotment Update: Planting Out Runner Beans and Sweetcorn

Richard takes us through his latest allotment adventures, where he shares the excitement of planting out runner beans and sweetcorn. Discover his tips for successful planting and learn how to make the most of warm weather conditions to ensure the thriving growth of these crops. Plus, get ready for a funny anecdote about an accidental early potato harvest during a weeding session!

Sow Now for Winter Veg: Planning Ahead for a Bountiful Season

As the bank holiday weekend approaches, Richard dives into the importance of sowing now for winter veg. Discover the varieties that thrive during colder months and the steps you can take to ensure a successful winter harvest. From selecting the right crops to preparing the soil, Richard shares practical tips and tricks to help you plan ahead and enjoy a bountiful season.

Garden Update: Bank Holiday Gardening Extravaganza

Richard provides an exciting update on his own garden, highlighting the productivity of the bank holiday weekend. Learn about his recent plantings, including beans, squash varieties like courgette and cucumber, and the beloved trio of tomatoes, chillies, and peppers. Additionally, explore Richard's creative use of hortiwool liners for hanging baskets, adding a touch of vibrancy to outdoor spaces. Keep an eye out for the mention of spinach starting to bolt, a timely reminder to make the most of this delicious leafy green.

Recipe of the Week: Spinach and Chickpea Curry

To tantalize your taste buds, Richard shares his Recipe of the Week featuring fresh spinach—a delectable Spinach and Chickpea Curry. Discover how to combine the vibrant goodness of spinach with protein-packed chickpeas for a hearty and flavorsome meal. Richard provides step-by-step instructions and tips to ensure your curry turns out delicious every time. Get ready to enjoy the flavors of homegrown goodness on your plate.

Spinach and Chickpea Curry


2 cups fresh spinach leaves

1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1 teaspoon grated ginger

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground coriander

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

1/2 teaspoon chili powder (adjust to taste)

1 cup coconut milk

1 tablespoon cooking oil

Salt to taste

Fresh coriander for garnish


In a large pan, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook until translucent. Then, add the minced garlic and grated ginger, and sauté for another minute until fragrant.

Next, add the ground cumin, ground coriander, turmeric powder, and chili powder to the pan. Stir well to combine the spices with the onions, garlic, and ginger, creating a fragrant curry base.

Now, add the fresh spinach leaves and chickpeas to the pan. Stir everything together until the spinach wilts down and combines with the other ingredients.

Pour in the coconut milk and season with salt to taste. Stir well and let the curry simmer for about 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

Once the curry has thickened slightly and the spinach is cooked to your desired consistency, it's ready to be served. Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves for an extra burst of freshness.

Conclusion and Calls to Action

As the episode draws to a close, Richard encourages listeners to take action. Leave a review on your favourite podcast provider to help the Veg Grower Podcast reach more gardening enthusiasts. Consider becoming a supporting member to access exclusive content and early releases.

#503 Sow Now for Winter Veg and Garden Delights

#503 Sow Now for Winter Veg and Garden Delights
Release Date
