#467 Autumn planting and winter squash storage

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Join Richard in this weeks veg grower podcast where Richard is talking about Autumn planting plants and how he stores his Winter squash. Of course Richard also shares the latest from the plots too.

This week on allotment and vegetable garden.

This week Richard has tackled the following tasks

Cleared out more weedsSown some overwintering peasLightly pruned some herbsPlanted herbs in a sink

And much more on the podcast.

Autumn planting

This week Richard has been turning his head to Autumn planting. A great time to plant some perennial plants which can establish themselves over winter.

Richard has discovered over the years, that autumn planted plants need less work and are more successful. This is very apparent when he planted some asparagus in the autumn. This asparagus established itself strongly and is still going strong to this day.

Another advantage to autumn planting perennial edible plants is that often they are cheaper to buy. Some come in bare rooted form which are incredibly cheap, but only available at certain times of the year.

Are you spending this Autumn planting any edible perennial plants?

Winter storage of squash plants.

As we head into autumn many of our squashes become ripe and ready for storage. Stored correctly its possible to store squashes for a very long time and certainly to get through the winter.

In this weeks podcast Richard shares how he harvests and prepares his squash plants for winter storage.

Recipe of the week

This weeks recipe of the week is a great way to use up lots of extra vegetables by making a dish called Ratatouille. A type of vegetable stew which can use up a lot of vegetable and can be frozen for use later on. As always recipe will be up later this week

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#467 Autumn planting and winter squash storage

#467 Autumn planting and winter squash storage
Release Date
