Global Strike for Palestine - Episode Postponed

Release Date:

In support of the global strike for Palestine (January 21-28), we have decided to postpone this week’s episode. "Oops, All Hobbits- Part 2" will be posted on Monday January 29, and the rest of the scheduled episodes will be on their usual days. We encourage you to contact your representatives to demand a ceasefire in Palestine (there are lots of templates available with what to say if you’re not sure what to say, some are linked below), and whatever else you can do to support the strike this week. We know that most people don’t have the privilege to take off from work, but whatever you can do to support a slow down is valuable! Even small things make a difference.  Some other things you can do: take time off this week if you can, and if you have to work wear something to show your support for Palestine. Only spend money if you absolutely have too, and stay at home as much as possible. Eat at home, make your coffee at home (continue to boycott Starbucks). Cancel your Disney+, Amazon and other unnecessary subscriptions. If you need to shop, try to shop at locally owned businesses. Go to a protest if there’s one in your area, and make sure to wear a good respirator mask to protect yourself and those around you (there may be a mask bloc or other source of free masks and tests in your area. If you are in Canada, try  Share social media posts from Palestinians and talk to your friends and family about what is happening. Don’t post your regular content. All our struggles are connected. None of us are free until all of us are free.  Free Palestine! ----- Links: Scripts & Contacts: Action for Palestine - 2023.11.23 (Canada) Palestine Solidarity Action Toolkit - Templates to Contact Your Reps!! Bisan (@wizard_bisan1) - Instagram post about global strike Poster/episode art by Studio Salud

Global Strike for Palestine - Episode Postponed

Global Strike for Palestine - Episode Postponed
Release Date
