Astro Photog Ep 7 | Introduction to Photographing the Perseid Meteor Shower

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Happy Perseids everybody! It is the week of the peak of the annual Perseid Meteor shower. This coming Aug. 11th. 12th and 13th mark the three mornings that will showcase the peak of the Perseids with as many as 50 meteors an hour often more! So how do you get the most out of this opportunity? Today on the Astro Photog Podcast, Aaron goes over advice for those WITH and WITHOUT plans to photograph the meteor shower then ends with a new segment Geek Time in honor of Brendon's Gear Time.

In the Astro Primer I give the news most of you already know, it is New Moon week and with that comes great nights EVERY night.

The Northern Hemisphere has a vertical Milky Way from the moment full darkness starts up until the Galactic Core sets on you early in the morning. The core sets LONG before the Astronomical Twilight period begins so plan on going out at the beginning of the night.

The Southern Hemisphere night begins with the Core high in the sky and then moves into a better position for photography come early morning before the Galactic Core sets beyond the horizon around 4am Perth, Australia time.

The highlight of the Astro Primer is the main subject of today's podcast, the Perseid Meteor Shower! One of the year's BEST Meteor Showers is appearing without the moon again and is set to make 2018 a magical time for Meteor Shower photography!

The podcast begins with general Meteor viewing tips as given from the article linked below. The tips are:
1- Find a dark, open sky with as little obstructions that you can get so you can see all the many meteors across the sky
2- Give yourself at least an hour of observing time to see a lot and most importantly, get your eyes adjusted to the darkness of night
3- Know that all meteors all come from a single point in the sky, the radiant
4- Bring a reclining chair and some warm drink of your choice to fully enjoy in massive comfort
5- Be patient! All good things come to those that wait!

In the ad today I once again remind and encourage all of you fence sitters thinking about joining us in the Faroe Islands to know that it isn't too late to join us in September! Register your spot here:

In the second segment I go over tips for your Meteor Shower Photography. The tips are:
1- Wide Angle lens and obviously the largest aperture you have
2- Take a Timelapse and more importantly PRACTICE taking a timelapse before you go out
3- Shutter 30 seconds with 3 seconds interval between each shot for your timelapse settings
4- Battery Grip/Power bank/Goal Zero/Timer to remind you to check your battery. Anything to make sure you capture for hours
5- LOTS of memory card space so you can constantly be capturing so you don't miss a meteor
6- Capture the Foreground during Blue Hour or Light Paint it. Get that Foreground sharp and clean
7- Combine Foreground and your many meteor frames using Photoshop doing your blend of choice

Then lastly in our first episode of GEEK TIME I teach the origin of the Perseid Meteor Shower thanks to the Comet Swift-Tuttle and explain the consistency of meteor showers.

Thanks for listening and supporting Photog Adventures! If you aren't a Founder of Photog Adventures already consider joining us here at Patreon:

Remember! Get out there and have a Photog Adventure of your own! And this weekend on the 11th, 12th and 13th is a GREAT time to start! :D

Articles mentioned in the podcast:

Nick Page's video about fixing Halos:

Astro Photog Ep 7 | Introduction to Photographing the Perseid Meteor Shower

Astro Photog Ep 7 | Introduction to Photographing the Perseid Meteor Shower
Release Date
