#33: Croatia - Provisioning & Other Boat Stuff

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For my last podcast in this series on our trip to Croatia, I am going to talk about our boat provisioning. I'll also talk about some of the boat things that were included, and some things that were not. I've got a pretty good idea now of what the essentials would be for you to purchase when you arrive in Croatia!
So just a quick note about the types of things you may, or matoiletpaper

biodegradable cleaning supplies
papertowely not, have on the boat when you arrive

Most charter companies will have different packages that you can add on. We included the "comfort package" which included bathroom towels, bedding, pillows, blanket, cockpit cushions and wi-fi. The wi-fi was awesome to have.
Boat Provisioning 1-0-1
Alright, to start off this process you need to know what kind of refrigeration options you have available to you on the boat. For us, while chartering in Croatia we had a fridge and freezer. Pretty straightforward. Next, you need to consult your crew for food allergies, dislikes and must-haves. It is important to know what your crew cannot live without! If someone is used to having a piece of chocolate every afternoon as a snack, you'll want them to continue that during your trip. There is nothing worse than being out of your own environment and routine, and then having cravings for something you regularly have on top of it. Recipe for disaster! You'll also want to figure out where you are stopping and when, to see which fresh produce is available to you and plan your meals accordingly.
Packaging Tips
Saving space is essential on a boat and so choosing packaging that doesn't take up much space is key. Select

avoid glass
wine & juice in bags instead of bottles
cardboard is tricky, put into plastic stackable bins
dry goods in bins

The Basics
Make sure you stock up on a few basics:

herbs & spices
oils & vinegar: for cooking, making dressings, etc.
Salt & pepper
Tea & coffee
Condiments like ketchup, BBQ sauce, hot sauce, any other staples

Once you have established the basics, start to prepare a meal plan. Keep breakfasts simple unless you want to spend time doing a lot of galley clean up in the am. I tend to do cereal with mild, or granola with yogurt, and then some fruit, coffee and juice. I'm not a big breakfast person at home, so making pancakes, French toast, eggs Bennie, etc., is not something I do on the boat. However, make sure this is good with your crew!
Breakfast Ideas: muffins, cereal w/ milk, granola w/ yogurt, toast w/ PB&J
My Pinterest board for make boat meals.
I like to keep lunches pretty straightforward as well and am a fan of anything that can be premade. This way you do not have someone down below trying to make food, and also, as soon as you get hungry it is available. I often get so busy on the boat that I don't realize I am famished, until it is too late! HAHA. So I try to keep a schedule and keep meals at the ready.
Lunch Ideas: wraps, sandwiches, soup (depending on sea state), charcuterie board, veggies and dip, salads

Many charter boats do not have BBQs, so don't plan on having one, or ask the charter company about it first. For dinners I love one pot meals, salads, charcuterie, and I don't tend to do many oven meals. Depends on the time of year and what the weather is like, but sometimes you do not want to be down below cooking away in a hot galley after a long day out in the sun. So try to have some uncooked meal ideas.

#33: Croatia - Provisioning & Other Boat Stuff

#33: Croatia - Provisioning & Other Boat Stuff
Release Date
