The Real Estate Renaissance: Dustin Siler's Innovative Deal Structures

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Welcome to a new episode of Get Creative! Today’s episode is hosted by Jordan Whittenburg who dives deep into the world of creative finance with Dustin Siler. Joining us from Utah, Dustin shares his journey from being a traditional buy-and-hold real estate investor to mastering creative finance strategies. In this episode, Dustin reveals the details of a unique hybrid business deal in Old Town Idaho, offering invaluable lessons on structuring deals, building relationships, and leveraging community resources.
"Lead with value, and the deals will follow."
"It's not about if the option doesn't work; it's about how to pivot and make it a win-win."
"Creative finance allows you to get more deals done by thinking outside the traditional box."
"Building good relationships with sellers can open doors to creative and favorable terms."
00:00 - Introduction
00:14 - Meet Dustin Siler and his hybrid business deal
01:49 - Dustin's journey from traditional buy-and-hold to creative finance
07:15 - Building rapport and value with the seller
10:46 - Structuring the initial terms and renegotiating
15:48 - Using leverage to renegotiate terms favorably
19:58 - Balancing seller's pain points and structuring win-win deals
22:56 - Vision for the wedding venue and rental property
27:09 - The power of community and collaboration in creative finance
33:48 - Dustin's future plans and reaching out for partnerships

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The Real Estate Renaissance: Dustin Siler's Innovative Deal Structures

The Power of Teamwork in Real Estate: Thomas & Cory's Experience
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