Dream Homes and Million Dollar Deals with Rex and Katrina Shippy

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Join Pace Morby as he sits down with Rex and Katrina Shippy, the duo who've been through it all - from RV life to owning their dream home through creative means.
They're here to spill the beans on how they went from thinking small to dreaming big, and how that shift catapulted them to levels they never imagined in both their personal and professional lives.
Get ready for an inspiring conversation filled with wisdom nuggets and touching stories that prove just how far belief in yourself and a supportive community can take you.
"The mind is like a rubber band. Once you stretch it out, it can't go back to where it is. And putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation, challenging yourself, that is the way the mind gets stretched and that is the way we grow as human beings and entrepreneurs."
"Most guys out there don't realize their responsibility as a husband, as a father, as a leader, to just step up and be a leader. And that has dramatically changed our lives."
"Forget about giving me private money, forget about deploying money with me, work with the community members in sub two, the people that are in their journey, have momentum and are going through transformations that are also helping people get deals."
00:36 - Introduction: Podcast Evolution and Community Highlights
02:05 - Gratitude and Transformation: Rex & Katrina's Journey
03:05- Rex & Katrina Express Their Gratitude
04:29- The Importance of Intentionality in Communication
06:16- Setting the Scene: Rex & Katrina's Dream Home
08:52 - The Serendipitous Encounter with the Dream Home
10:38 - The Shift from a Shrinking to Expansive Mindset
12:29.- Recognizing the Power of Environment on Self-Worth
17:45- The Ripple Effect of Belief: Impact on Relationships
22:18- How to Connect with Rex & Katrina: Podcasts, Facebook, and More
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Dream Homes and Million Dollar Deals with Rex and Katrina Shippy

Dream Homes and Million Dollar Deals with Rex and Katrina Shippy
Release Date
