The Transportation Liberation Road Show

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This post is quite a bit longer than typical but I hope you will take the time hook this up to your TV, get comfortable, and watch the whole thing - especially if you have been thinking about going car free or are an advocate for driving less.

Car-free living is a lifestyle choice that yields abundant rewards: freedom from the economic burdens of personal motorized transportation, improved physical and emotional well-being, reduced noise and pollution, and traffic structures that are gentler on the land and its citizens. Communities are brought closer together as people increasingly interact face-to-face, rather than from within steel shells. Liberation from private motorized transportation makes us a richer, healthier, happier people living in cleaner, quieter, friendlier neighborhoods.

In this multimedia workshop, Obbie and RoZ describe the steps on their trail toward Transportation Liberation, and discuss a multitude of pragmatic ideas on how to make driving optional. The program is punctuated by personal narratives (including sights and sounds) of good and bad transportation methods witnessed during extensive research in North America and Europe.

During ten years as a traveling campaigner for sustainable lifestyles, Obbie learned about transportation by experiencing nearly every major American city as a driver, bicyclist, and transit rider. Since RoZ joined him in 1993, they've sworn off car-dependence and have been car-free since 2003. They are based in La Crosse, Wisconsin, where they are outspoken advocates for the rights of bicyclists and pedestrians, and for the types of community design that make car-free living both possible and pleasant.

This is the synopsis of the presentation from the the Zs website I recorded this audio at their presentation the CarFree Conference at Portland State University last June.

If you would like to book the live presentation please contact purplearth.

The Transportation Liberation Road Show

The Transportation Liberation Road Show
Release Date
