TSPP 022: Full Day of Eating

Release Date:

What do you typically eat in a day? Knowing what to eat in a day is a difficult thing for a lot of people. I’m not perfect, what I do might not work for you - but there are a lot of strategies I implement and purpose behind what I eat (80% of the time). In sharing what that is, I hope it is helpful for you and helps you put more thought into what you’re eating and why! As always, if you have a question you want answered on my podcast, email samplanpod(at)gmail.com to submit. I am always here to help and support YOU - because that is what life is all about! Follow me on Instagram: @thesamplan and TikTok @thesamplan This is an Operation Podcast production For more information, please contact us at info@operationpodcast.com  Follow Operation Podcast on Instagram @operationpodcast

TSPP 022: Full Day of Eating

TSPP 022: Full Day of Eating
Release Date
