TSPP 017: Why Women Suck At Losing Weight

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Have you ever wondered why it's so difficult for women to lose weight while it seems so effortless for men? In this episode, I walk you through concepts like evolution, hormonal differences, and so much more. My hope is it helps you better understand and mostly appreciate your body and how powerful it is. As always, if you have a question you want answered on my podcast, email samplanpod(at)gmail.com to submit. I am always here to help and support YOU - because that is what life is all about! Follow me on Instagram: @thesamplan and TikTok @thesamplan This is an Operation Podcast production For more information, please contact us at info@operationpodcast.com  Follow Operation Podcast on Instagram @operationpodcast

TSPP 017: Why Women Suck At Losing Weight

TSPP 017: Why Women Suck At Losing Weight
Release Date
