153: Tools For Developing Your Inner World

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"The inner world is the most important world to generate success."
This past year has been challenging for me, but I've learned more than ever how important it is to take care of myself.

Can you relate? Do you constantly feel stressed and burned out on your work? Maybe you're out of alignment, and it's time for a career change, or perhaps, you're struggling more with personal relationships. Whatever the case, it's essential that you take a step back from all the chaos and practice some self-care and inner work. 

Over the past year, I went through a lot of personal stuff, and I discovered some things that weren't serving me anymore. I think we often portray the highlights of our lives on Instagram, but in reality, we're actually going through a lot of stuff that we don't want other people to see. Sometimes, we can get stuck in negative thought loops and severely limit our potential and creativity as a result. But when we realize that we actually do have agency over our minds, our bodies, and our spirituality, we can start manifesting abundance in our lives.

As I worked through this dark time, I found five tools to help me develop my inner world, and today on ONKEN RADIO (formerly NION Radio), I'm going to share them with you. If I've learned anything from all the top artists, performers, and entrepreneurs I've interviewed, it's this: Your inner world determines your outer reality. 

So without further ado, let me give you these five tools to help you develop your inner world and become more creative as a result. 
#1: Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
The first tool is a book — Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza. This book completely rocked my world. I've read it three times, listened to it three times, and also taken his online course, which was a deeper explanation of the book. Needless to say, I'm definitely a fan. 

Dr. Dispenza's work is all about the science behind energy and matter. You all know that I'm a huge science guy, and when investigating anything spiritual, I need the science to back it up. In Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Dispenza explains the science behind extraordinary events, such as healing from his broken back. 

After breaking his back in a triathlon accident, Dr. Dispenza was told he would probably never walk again. His doctors suggested that he take the surgery route and then spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Dr. Dispenza declined the surgery, saying that he wanted to heal his body with his mind, and if he succeeded, he would dedicate his life to researching that phenomenon and share his findings with the world.

That's exactly what he's doing now. As a former chiropractor, Dr. Dipensza basically visualized the reconstruction of his spine every day to promote self-healing, and now, he's fully recovered. In his most recent book, Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Dispenza explains how you can heal your body with your mind, how your thoughts manifest the world around you, and how we operate in different frequencies. Emotions produce chemicals that can either toxify our bodies or heal them, so when we get clear on how to control our minds, we can control our bodies as a result. 

In addition to providing the scientific research backing his claims, Dr. Dispenza also offers different meditations to help you activate and shift your emotional frequencies to promote self-healing. This book has helped me out so much, and I hope to get him on the podcast sometime soon! Until then — definitely check out Becoming Supernatural and get ready to be blown away. 
#2. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle 
The second tool is also one of my favorite books — A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. I've read this one multiple times as well, and each time, I get something new from it. The book is essentially about how to separate yourself from your ego and gain self-awareness. 

The ego needs to feed on thoughts in order to survive,

153: Tools For Developing Your Inner World

153: Tools For Developing Your Inner World
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