Hacks and Strategies to Explode your Amazon FBA Business EP137

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Welcome To Episode #137 of the Amazon FBA Private Label Show Podcast! In this episode I talk with Bradley Sutton of Helium 10 where we discuss actionable hacks and strategies to help you drive clicks, sales and conversions to help you level up your Amazon FBA business.  Listen to this Amazon FBA Podcast! [powerpress] Hacks and Strategies to Explode Your Amazon FBA Business EP 137   In our podcast today I wanted to deliver some simple and actionable tactics that you can use to drive conversions and sales with. I am joined by the one and only Bradley Sutton of Helium 10 where Bradley drops some absolute golden nuggets that sellers can use and implement immediately. I would advise you to listen to this episode and conversation more than once in case you feel you missed anything. Inside Bradley and I discuss the current state of Amazon as well as increasing conversions, improving keywords, product research techniques and launching products successfully on Amazon.  CURRENT STATE OF AMAZON FBA Amazon is becoming more and more competitive over the years but there is still tons of opportunity for new sellers as well as experienced sellers to grow and build their Amazon FBA business. Once you have established yourself on the Amazon FBA USA market it may be time to expand out to Amazon Germany, UK and Japan or other markets. Also consider emerging platforms such as Walmart, Jet or other competing sites. I personally recommend that if you are building your brand you should also setup a Shopify site to expand your reach and net.  CONVERSIONS AND SALES Use a site like Pickfu.com to test our different images for your listing. As a marketer you may think you know what images will work best for your listings but the best route is to get audience feedback. Images are everything on Amazon. When you have the best image that gets the most attention and clicks from customers you will most likely connect on more sales.  To convert on more sales you need to make sure your listing is speaking directly to your customers. You need to dive into your competitors and your own product reviews to fully understand how your customers talk and the lingo and keywords that they are using. This will allow you to better optimize the copy and keywords that you use in the listing. You will also better understand how to position and create your products images once you understand exactly how customers are using the product. Use a tool like Helium 10 to help you extract the review data to make things easier.  LAUNCHING PRODUCTS ON AMAZON FBA Every product is going to be different on how you approach the launching process. More competitive products will require you drive more giveaways or sales to particular keywords to start getting ranked. When you use tools like Helium 10 your will see exactly how many sales you need to connect on for a specific keyword before Amazon will start ranking you for it.  Use PPC as part of your launch strategy and keep your PPC running after the launch is over. Focus in on relevant long tail keywords when you have more competitive products. Build and email list or Many Chat list to launch products to.  Use a launch service if you need some extra juice to get ranked. It's important that you be very mindful and careful of Amazon's TOS and rules in regards to these services.  Use custom URL's to get extra ranking power when driving traffic. See Helium 10's gems page.  Bradley mentioned a few launch services to explore: Check out Rebate Key and  Rank Bell.  It's important to note that if you do a launch and get to page one for your keywords that their is no guarantee that you will stay ranked on page one. Ultimately the market will speak and if your product or listing is not worthy of being ranked on page one yet for the keywords you are targeting then consider keywords with less competition.   PRODUCT RESEARCH There are tons and tons of product opportunities everywhere on Amazon FBA. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If certain products are hard to compete with on Amazon FBA in the USA then consider other markets around the world or ever other platforms.  Don't become overly reliant on tools to make decisions for you. As great as some of the tools like Helium 10 are we as sellers still need to use our heads and try to find the opportunities in front of us. the tools will give us the data and it's our job to recognize and see things other sellers missed. The key is to remember to give the market what it's wants. Don't reinvent the wheel.    WANNA TRY HELIUM 10? Helium 10 is wickedly powerful and I recommend you take their tools out for a test drive if you haven't already. Here are some sweet listener discounts for you to use.  ====>>>> Exclusive Helium 10 Discount Link USE CODE: PLSHOW10 - for 10% off every month USE CODE: PLSHOW50 - for 50% off your first month   Not a member of the Facebook Mastermind group yet? Join here!

Hacks and Strategies to Explode your Amazon FBA Business EP137

Hacks and Strategies to Explode your Amazon FBA Business EP137
Release Date
