How to Stop Letting Fear Run Your Business - #080

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People usually make decisions from one of two places: Fear or growth. Fear-based decisions look like... - Choosing to stick with your target market because it's familiar and profitable, even though you don't enjoy working with this market of clients. - Deciding to not launch the podcast or Youtube channel you've been dreaming of because you're afraid no one will care. - Deciding not to launch a new offering because you're afraid of putting lots of time into something and not getting a return. When we constantly make fear-based decisions, we start running a fear-based business. And that's not fun! It starts feeling unfulfilling, unmotivating and stressful because we're not operating from our "true north", we're not challenging ourselves, and we're not working in alignment with who we really are and what we really want. It's understandable though and it's not wrong to catch yourself operating like this. We all do at times. But the better we get at catching ourselves when making fear-based decisions, the better we get at slowly shifting to growth-based ones. Choices that align us and our work with purpose, passion, heart and fulfillment. There is ONE question I ask myself when making decisions in my business so that I mainly make growth-based choices, not fear-based ones. Tune in to my latest podcast episode to find out what it is! (And remember to subscribe if you haven't already.)   RESOURCES MENTIONED Episode 079 of this podcast: How to trust yourself & get better at making decisions in your business   1:1 COACHING Would you like to work together 1:1? My next availability is April 2023. Join the waitlist here to be the first to know when I open the April coaching spots for booking or DM me the word COACHING on Instagram. I'm @neshawoolery!   COURSES Organize & Automate: Streamline and organize your business in just 14 days on the side of your regular routine Simple Sales School: Learn how to book clients consistently and start scaling your business to $5k months   LINKS MENTIONED FREE masterclass: 10 Steps To Go From Overwhelmed To Organized  

How to Stop Letting Fear Run Your Business - #080

How to Stop Letting Fear Run Your Business - #080
Release Date
