The Dots Will Not Be Joined - An interview with Rick Walton

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Tell us what you think of this episodeRick was a previous guest of the podcast back in April.  Since speaking to us last he has managed to self publish a book about his thoughts on cricket, sport and life.  This time, as well as recording the launch event for his book we were able to record an interview with him about the book and its contents.The podcast begins with a brief telephone conversation the day after Rick visited Lords to receive a community coaching award from the national cricketing charity Chance to shine.  You can watch a video which formed part of the awards evening featuring Rick here: learn more about Chance to Shine why not check out their website here: outlines why he titled the book in the way he did and talks about his philosophy of coaching.  He reads a couple of excerpts from the book and we also hear a couple of contributions from people who were present at the launch event.If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book you can contact Rick via Twitter (@cricketmanwales) or go  to this link : is a prolific 'blogist' (his preferred description).  You can read more from him on the two platforms he and

The Dots Will Not Be Joined - An interview with Rick Walton

The Dots Will Not Be Joined - An interview with Rick Walton
Release Date
