Steps to Declutter Your House to Have More Peace and Less Stress as a Busy Overwhelmed Homestead Mom

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Another lessoned learned the last month is too much stuff is pure chaos.  All areas of my life feel unorganized when I had stuff everywhere-I almost forget a few appointments, I had a doctor bill that got lost in the mess and I got a letter last week saying this is your last notice-what?  I take pride on never being late on any bill as most are set up automatically, but that could have cost me extra money if I would have missed it, but I’m sure the address change had something to do with it as well. I ended up buying duplicate items because I had no idea where something was, so clutter can also cost you quite a bit of money, so if you want to save money, learn to live with less stuff! 
Start decluttering your home if you have not!  I still have a enclosed trailer full of stuff and I don’t even want to unpack it and we still have a storage unit with items in.  I’m waiting until I have the time to organize and put where it needs to go, but now that we have used some of it in the last few months, I’m thinking we might downsize even further!
I am finally feeling somewhat better because I am finding a place for items in our home and anything that doesn’t have a place is going to the donation center.  This home is quite a bit bigger….even though we wanted to downsize but this is where God wanted us, it seems to have less storage space because it is a more open concept and not like the farmhouse style we had before, so it has been tricky.  I honestly don’t know how people function with stuff all over, it just mentally drained me.  It is so much easier to have less stuff than to have to take up mental space for many items.  Here are some things I want you to do right now.
First, look around your home and see if there is any garbage laying around and toss it.  Train yourself and your family to put garbage away when you get done with it.  It is something that you may consciously have to do for a while until it becomes a habit, but it will make such a difference for you. After that, look around if there are any dishes laying around where they should not be and put them into the kitchen where they belong.  Make sure you are making note of where the problems are happening so you can incorporate new systems to keep the clutter at bay.
Another thing you should  think about is every time you purchase an item is if you have a place for it and also what you are we going to get rid of-especially when you  are thrift shopping because honestly, that can become clutter if you don’t keep on top of it!  And if you are like me….you like a good deal!  Remember it isn’t a good deal if it becomes clutter!
Plan your week…so much less chaos when you know what is happening and you have a plan.  Take Sunday evening or Monday morning to look through what is going on so you don’t always feel scattered and flying by the seat of your pants! 
Implement these first few items to get you on your way to simple living and more peace!!!
I can help you make a plan to simplify!  If you want to win a ½ hour coaching call, you could be 1 of 4 people that begin to turn your chaos into calm and I would love to help you on that journey!!!!!
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Steps to Declutter Your House to Have More Peace and Less Stress as a Busy Overwhelmed Homestead Mom

Steps to Declutter Your House to Have More Peace and Less Stress as a Busy Overwhelmed Homestead Mom
Release Date
