EP 184 // Feeling Overwhelmed and Stressed Out as a Busy Mom? 3 Tips to Reduce Your Workload so You Can Enjoy Your Fall

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Hello Friend!
It sure is feeling like Fall here in MN already!
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 Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the activities and large to-do list at the end of summer and Fall?  I want to help you reduce some of those items so you can have a more peaceful and enjoyable season.
First, I challenge you to delegate some of your workload.  For me, I always have thousands of ideas of things I want to do in my head, but if I am doing tasks that someone else could do, I never get around to putting my ideas into practice.  For me, I had to hire a teenager to help with produce because our garden this year wasn’t completely set up to be weed free like our ones in the past and so this has created extra unwanted work that I just don’t have time for.  I truely enjoy weeding my garden. I put on my favorite podcast or go out with the sunrise and pray for hours and hours.This is so relaxing for me, but I don’t always have hours of time to do that, so I need someone who can help with that.  I also have a teenager making sure my house stays clean and the dishes are done daily because I don’t want to waste my time on this when I can be creating or learning!
We now focus on slow living and intentionally plan our days and weeks.  Don’t feel that you have to enroll your kids in everything, they need a break too.  Our kids need downtime to reduce stress just as much as adults.  There are so many demands put on kids these days that sometimes they don’t just get to be kids.  Make sure they are getting plenty of time outdoors.Next, look at your schedule and decide what you can eliminate. And last, making meal planning simple.  If you don’t grow your own garden, try to get to a farmers market in your area so you can eat seasonally.  Simple healthy cooking doesn’t need to take alot of time and can be made even simpler that you imagine.  Making food in bulk and freezer meals can be done on a rainy day or just plan 1 day a month so you don’t have to waste much time in the kitchen cooking.  Keep morning meals simple such as eggs, smoothies, or homemade yogurt you have batched in the fridge.  Lunch can be as simple as cheese and boiled eggs with some carrots and apples or salad or leftovers.  Finger foods are great for lunches and they do not take much time.  And your evening can be a dish with protein and vegetables.  Don’t overthink cooking from scratch or meal planning~shop local for fresh ingredients and build your meals from there.
Chat next time!

EP 184 // Feeling Overwhelmed and Stressed Out as a Busy Mom? 3 Tips to Reduce Your Workload so You Can Enjoy Your Fall

EP 184 // Feeling Overwhelmed and Stressed Out as a Busy Mom? 3 Tips to Reduce Your Workload so You Can Enjoy Your Fall
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