Joe Montaldo / interview / part ONE

Release Date:

Joe is one intense dude!

Get ready, this is a whirlwind interview. This guy has a way of stating some pretty hard to grasp stuff and then just roling on to the next thing. I needed to jump in a bunch of times and get him to clairify where he got that info. I felt like I played a good role during this interview, because I got Joe to share some pretty impressive findings.

Joe Montaldo has been doing UFO research for almost 30 years. He's is Co-Founder, International Director and Spokesperson for I.C.A.R. the International Community for Alien Research. The organization's main focus is on Alien Abductions and the Alien Agenda. I.C.A.R. claims to have investigated over 5000 cases of Alien contact and abductions.

He is also the host of the on-line radio program, UFO Undercover, with a focus on the alien abduction phenomenon.

Joe Montaldo / interview / part ONE

Joe Montaldo / interview / part ONE
Release Date
