Bava Batra 10 - July 5, 29 Sivan

Release Date:

Today's daf is sponsored by Sylvia Klein in loving memory of her brother, Bobby Klein. "Bobby had Down Syndrome. His presence in our lives taught us all about love. We learned compassion and acceptance. My his sweet memory be a blessing." Rabbi Akiva and Turnusrufus engage in a debate about why if God loves the poor then why does God not support them, and if God makes them poor is it a good thing or not to go ahead and support them? More stories and statements are brought stressing the importance of the mitzva of giving charity. Can one collect charity from non-Jews? If so, for what reason and with what conditions?  

Bava Batra 10 - July 5, 29 Sivan

Bava Batra 10 - July 5, 29 Sivan
Release Date
