#402 How to monetize your blog

Release Date:

Topics covered in this episode:

Architecture Decision Records (ADRs)
narwhals: extremely lightweight compatibility layer between dataframes
Microsoft wants Three Mile Island to fuel its AI power needs

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Michael: @mkennedy@fosstodon.org
Brian: @brianokken@fosstodon.org
Show: @pythonbytes@fosstodon.org

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Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it.

Brian #1: Architecture Decision Records (ADRs)

Suggested by Christian Gesell
Documenting Architecture Decisions

Mychael Nygard
Original article from 2011

Why you should be using architecture decision records to document your project

Red Hat
Includes a quick overview and links to some templates

Notes so far

Writing this out helps me solidify my thinking about a problem.
I’m doing this both before starting, and while implementing a first draft
GitHub and GitLab render markdown so well that generating a docs site is unnecessary, just throwing these files in something like docs/adr is enough.
The lightweight process is enough but not too much.
I’ve already filled out None for lots of sections, like “options considered”
I’m still playing with what level of decision should have an ADR.

My template that I’ve been using so far

Saved in 000-adr-template.md
For easy copy/paste/modify for new records.

File name is something like 001-some-change.md

Michael #2: narwhals: extremely lightweight compatibility layer between dataframes

Recently had Marco on Talk Python to discuss
Primarily for library creators who want to support interacting with multiple data frame libraries (.e.g. Pandas & Polars)
Just use a subset of the Polars API

Brian #3: Microsoft wants Three Mile Island to fuel its AI power needs

“Microsoft just signed a deal to revive the shuttered Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. If approved by regulators, the software maker would have exclusive rights to 100 percent of the output for its AI data center needs.”
Also ran on CNN and other sources:

Three Mile Island is reopening and selling its power to Microsoft

Three Mile Island was the site of the worst nuclear disaster in the US, when one of two reactors experienced a partial meltdown, in 1979.
It was still operating up until 2019, and now expected to re-open in 2028
Will be renamed “Crane Clean Energy Center”

The Department of Energy Wants You to Know Your Conservation Efforts Are Making a Difference

“By switching all the lightbulbs in your house to LED, you saved enough energy for a self-driving car to make an unprotected lefthand turn across three lanes of traffic.”
“We know you adopted energy-saving practices to help conserve our planet’s resources and bring down our collective carbon footprint, but what you ultimately accomplished is just as important: helping AI do something menial and stupid.”

Michael #4: zsh-in-docker

Install Zsh, Oh My Zsh and plugins inside a Docker container with one line!
Yes docker containers should be light, but also, think of how painful it can be when you run into trouble.
With Oh My ZSH, you get a nice experience when you have to result to docker exec -it CONTAINER zsh
Just enter a single command in your docker file:
RUN sh -c "$(wget -O- https://github.com/deluan/zsh-in-docker/releases/download/v1.2.0/zsh-in-docker.sh)" -- \
-t robbyrussell



self-hosting mkennedy.codes
Loren's journey to developer
It’s time to stop using Python 3.8
Sonoma → Sequoia → Sonoma (yikes!)
Passkeys, maybe they will work out if we don’t let them become lock-in (bitwarden’s support)


How to Monetize a Blog

Don’t forget to click on the bottom link: Credits / how this was made

#402 How to monetize your blog

#402 How to monetize your blog
Release Date
