#395 pythont compatible packages

Release Date:

Topics covered in this episode:

Python’s Supportive and Welcoming Environment is Tightly Coupled to Its Progress
Status pages for sites!
PEP 751 – A file format to list Python dependencies for installation reproducibility

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Michael: @mkennedy@fosstodon.org
Brian: @brianokken@fosstodon.org
Show: @pythonbytes@fosstodon.org

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Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it.

Michael #1: py-free-threading.github.io

Track the status of compatibility for free-threaded Python
See the Compatibility status tracking page for what you can use
Lots of resources for getting your package tested and available for pythont

Brian #2: Python’s Supportive and Welcoming Environment is Tightly Coupled to Its Progress

“Python is as popular as it is today because we have gone above and beyond to make this a welcoming community. Being a friendly and supportive community is part of how we are perceived by the wider world and is integral to the wide popularity of Python. We won a “Wonderfully Welcoming Award” last year at GitHub Universe. Over and over again, the tech press refers to Python as a supportive community.”
Some communication recently, with the recent bylaws change, didn’t live up to our promise to be welcoming
Please read the article for more details.
Another quote: “We have a moral imperative – as one of the very best places to bring new people into tech and into open source – to keep being good at welcoming new people. If we do not rise and continue to rise every day to this task, then we are not fulfilling our own mission, “to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.” Technical skills are a game-changer for the people who acquire them and joining a vast global network of people with similar interests opens many doors. Behavior that contributes to a hostile environment around Python or throws up barriers and obstacles to those who would join the Python community must be addressed because it endangers what we have built here.”

Michael #3: Status pages for sites!

Based on Uptime Kuma I covered last week
Python Bytes status
Talk Python status

Brian #4: PEP 751 – A file format to list Python dependencies for installation reproducibility

Brett Cannon

Currently, no standard exists to:

Specify what top-level dependencies should be installed into a Python environment.
Create an immutable record, such as a lock file, of which dependencies were installed.

Considering there are at least five well-known solutions to this problem in the community (pip freeze, pip-tools, uv, Poetry, and PDM), there seems to be an appetite for lock files in general.


The format is designed so that a locker which produces the lock file and an installer which consumes the lock file can be separate tools. …
The file format is designed to be human-readable. …Finally, the format is designed so that viewing a diff of the file is easy by centralizing relevant details.
The file format is also designed to not require a resolver at install time. …



Hello, pytest! course is going well, and is purchasable as in pre-release mode.

Planning on Aug 19 (or before) deadline.
Not sure what the final price will be, but I’m starting with $10.

I want people to want to watch it even just so see if they want to recommend to co-workers so the people around them can ramp up on pytest quickly.


Mypy 1.11 Released
FastHTML (more next week)
Coming up on the final chance to be part of the Code in a Castle event.

Joke: Open source OpenAI?

#395 pythont compatible packages

#395 pythont compatible packages
Release Date
