#393 Dare enter the Bash dungeon?

Release Date:

Topics covered in this episode:

Marimo: “Future of Notebooks”
pytest 8.3.0 & 8.3.1 are out
Python Language Summit 2024

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Michael: @mkennedy@fosstodon.org
Brian: @brianokken@fosstodon.org
Show: @pythonbytes@fosstodon.org

Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience. Usually Tuesdays at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too.

Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it.

Michael #1: Marimo: “Future of Notebooks”

via Matt Wilkie
An open-source reactive notebook for Python
Run one cell and marimo reacts by automatically running affected cells, eliminating the error-prone chore of managing notebook state.
Marimo's reactive UI elements, like dataframe GUIs and plots, make working with data feel refreshingly fast, futuristic, and intuitive.
Rapidly experiment with code and models
Bind UI elements to Python values
Pick-up-and-play design, with depth for power users
See the FAQ

Brian #2: pytest 8.3.0 & 8.3.1 are out

Real excited to get --xfail-tb flag added

This detaches xfail tracebacks from -rx/-ra (which was how it was pre-8.0)

Keyword matching for marker expressions, that’s fun.

pytest -v -m "device(serial='123')"

--no-fold-skipped allows for explit reporting of names of skipped tests
Plus many more improvements, bug fixes, and doc improvements

Michael #3: Python Language Summit 2024

Should Python adopt Calendar Versioning?: talk by Hugo van Kemenade
Python's security model after the xz-utils backdoor: talk by Pablo Galindo Salgado
Native Interface and Limited C API: talks by Petr Viktorin and Victor Stinner
Free-threading ecosystems: talk by Daniele Parmeggiani
Python on Mobile: talk by Malcolm Smith
PyREPL -- New default REPL written in Python: talk by Pablo Galindo Salgado, Łukasz Langa, and Lysandros Nikolaou
Should we make pdb better?: talk by Tian Gao
Limiting yield in async generators: talk by Zac Hatfield-Dodds
Annotations as Transforms: talk by Jason R. Coombs
Lightning Talks, featuring talks by Petr Viktorin, David Hewitt, Emily Morehouse, Łukasz Langa, Pablo Galindo Salgado, and Yury Selivanov

Brian #4: bash-dungeon

“This game is intended to teach new users how to use their shell in a fun and interactive way.”
Just clone the repo and start exploring with cd, ls, and cat.
First moves

cd bash-dungeon
cd Enter
cat parchment

A fun way to learn some commands you might need and/or might have forgotten about.



Python 3.12.0b4, final beta, is out
If hanging out on discuss.python.org, please checkout

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And if it’s still not clear why we need these, check out

Inclusive communications expectations in Python spaces

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PySimpleGUI goes commercial with obfuscated “source open”?
Still have seats for Code in a Castle event
Reactive Dashboards with Shiny for Python free course


40 Million in in Series A Funding - may be a lot of reading, but I found it funny

Thanks to VM Brasseur for sharing this one.

Also a few from pyjokes 0.7.2 (first new version since 2019)

If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.
A product manager walks into a bar, asks for drink. Bartender says no, but will consider adding later.
Triumphantly, Beth removed Python 2.7 from her server in 2030. 'Finally!' she said with glee, only to see the announcement for Python 4.4.1

Although, if CalVer, PEP 2026, happens, that’ll just be Python 3.30.0.

#393 Dare enter the Bash dungeon?

#393 Dare enter the Bash dungeon?
Release Date
