Genesis 1:26-28 The Gender Binary and the Dominion Mandate

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The very concept of a gender binary, is under Satanic attack. Gender is said to be distinct from biological sex, and to exist only as a social construct. But what does the Bible teach us on this topic? You may be surprised to learn how much you've been impacted by the ‘spirit of the age.' It is very possible that you celebrate things the Bible teaches are reprehensible, and consider reprehensible things the Bible prescribes and celebrates. Listen as Pastor Matt explains how God designed men and women differently on purpose. And how that design is perfectly tailored to the duties He has prescribed to both genders. It is only as we embrace God's design that we can rule over and subdue the earth as God has called us to do.

Genesis 1:26-28 The Gender Binary and the Dominion Mandate

Genesis 1:26-28 The Gender Binary and the Dominion Mandate
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