Ocean swimming... with the wild swimming brothers

Release Date:

Wild swimming is something of a cousin to ocean swimming. Or is ocean swimming a subset of wild swimming? Either way, wild swimming is huge across the world, and particularly in the UK and Europe. It's also often stunningly beautiful - search #wildswimming on instagram and you'll see what I mean.
Calum Hudson is the middle brother of The Wild Swimming Brothers, triathlete,Ice swimmer, author, nature love, swimming advocate and wild swimmer. He has swum the world's most powerful maelstroms, escaped Alcatraz and swum between continents. The Wild Swimming Brothers started with a 140 km swim down the River Eden, as you do! We had a wonderful chat about the whole gamut of things that make up the world of wild swimming. 
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Wild - Bank$ the producer
Swimming - elesimo
Brothers - Marcel Hutter
Swimming - David Lassam
Swimming in ink - Wontolla
Sapphire - Tobu

Image from The Wild Swimming Brothers on Instagram

Ocean swimming... with the wild swimming brothers

Ocean swimming... with the wild swimming brothers
Release Date
