Ocean swimming... with Lynne Cox

Release Date:

Lynne Cox is arguably the most accomplished ocean swimmer of all time. She set the record for the English Channel in 1972, was the first woman to swim the Cook Strait in New Zealand in 1975, famously swam between the US and the USSR in 1987 across the Bering Strait in bone-chilling 3 degree waters, and then even colder in Antarctica and Greenland. She has a list of achievements too long to list here. Lynne is also an author, and has a new book called Tales of Al - The Water Rescue Dog, detailing her experiences with Italy's elite, highly specialized corps of water rescue dogs who jump from helicopters and save lives. Thanks very much to Knopf for sending me a preprint.
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Rescue Dog - Dav Blues
Rescue Dog - Ross J. Miller
Rescue Dog - Electrophonvintage
The New FoundLand EP 18 Guest Mix UNK - UNK
New Found Land - Mojis
Only my winnings - New Found Land
Sapphire - Tobu

Photo from Lynne Cox

Ocean swimming... with Lynne Cox

Ocean swimming... with Lynne Cox
Release Date
