Michigan HockeyCast 6.9: Partly Sunny, Mostly Cloudy

Release Date:

56 minutes
With David Nasternak and Alex Drain
This Podcast Has a Sponsor: Michigan Law Grad Jonathan Paul is the guy with the C you want skating next to the ref and pleading your case. He's also a good guy to sit next to at the hockey games.
Segment 1: The Sunny Part...Then the Cloudy Part
Stories to Tell
First Shutout Since
A Wonderful Start

Segment 2: What Else Happened?
Old Friends
Big Ten Scores
The Little Green Men

NHL on ESPN Theme
"Electric Love" -- Børns
Ice Hockey (NES) theme

Michigan HockeyCast 6.9: Partly Sunny, Mostly Cloudy

Michigan HockeyCast 6.9: Partly Sunny, Mostly Cloudy
Release Date
