Creator to Creators S6 Ep 34 Jimii N°1

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My Wish: N°1, is a multi-talented creative, as well as a man on a mission to spread love and hope inthis world. Through a long and bountiful career, he has been able to touch the hearts and mindsof many. Whether it was on the production team of The Oprah Show, one of his many roles inthe theatrical world, or a new song of his own creation, he always finds a way to share hismessage.In his most recent endeavor to remind people that their lives matter, Jimii has released the song“My Wish” alongside a powerful music video. It was the last song added to the collection andaccording to Jimii, might be the most important.“My Wish” was inspired by the struggle of a young person seeking to “come out” and needingguidance, hoping for parental acceptance of their sexuality. “Understanding that this world oftenoppresses, and constantly challenges everyone and everything, I wanted to support her and tellher that,” he said. “Whatever happens, she needs to be grounded in her own feelings, and to let“Love” be her guide.”The song, though inspired by a single person’s experience, is meant to remind anyone,especially those struggling to come out or finding themselves not being accepted for their race,gender, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, religion or otherwise, that there is LOVE in theWorld. “Love is Unconditional.”The video of this song features a collection of imagery from Jimii’s personal life and journeys, aswell as his long standing project of photographing Pride Festivals for more than 20 years.“The imagery in this video goes hand in hand with what drove me to put together this song, andthe album as a whole. These are the images that spoke to me and my heart.”From a playful group photo, taken of children hanging out in the park by the parade, to apowerful image of Jesus, standing defiantly amongst a protesting crowd and many more.These photos show a world filled with hope, love, possibility and positivity.“It’s a shame,” said Jimii. “No one should have to live their life, feeling hate and challenges thataccompany it. I hope my music can show the positive impact that we can have on the peoplewho need us the most.“You are loved,” Jimii states. “There are many who are praying for you, and doing what they canto make things better.” God's Love is Unconditional. Man’s should be too.Following the release of “My Wish” and its beautiful music video, JImii hopes to continuespreading a message of acceptance and love with everyone that he can.“I am currently working on a play and recording a few more songs,” he explained. “I hope mywork can bring healing to anyone who needs it.” Jimii N°1 hopes the rest of his year will bringmore spaces for him to perform, as he shares the message of love, acceptance and harmony.Be sure to stay tuned in to Jimii N°1 on various platforms for new music, visuals and socialposts.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Creator to Creators S6 Ep 34 Jimii N°1

Creator to Creators S6 Ep 34 Jimii N°1
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