The End of COVID: Did It Ever Exist? Are Viruses Real? Germ Theory Scientism w/ Alec Zeck #476

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Today, we are in the business of narrative nuking with Alec Zeck. Alec is a speaker, writer, podcaster, and former Army Captain. He is also the founder of The Way Forward, a grassroots movement focused on dissolving illusions and systemic conditioning, while realigning mankind toward a path to freedom, health, and awareness.  Hang in there with us as this back-and-forth conversation is chock full of mind-bending, paradigm shattering topics, beginning with when he first realized that con-vid was a hoax and why he created the biggest media event in the history of alternative health movements with his upcoming project, The End of Covid. We also cover his extensive and quite hilarious censorship journey, lab leak theory and gain of function research, the dualistic human experience of good vs. evil, and so much more which pesky platform character limits prevent me from listing here. Never fear – in the end, Alec offers a vision of hope for the future and how we can hold our heads high despite the struggles humanity faces. As always, we're looking to stretch the envelope of our preconceived ideas, so I'll invite you to listen with an open mind. Take what lands, and leave the rest for the contemplation of mystery. And of course, you can find all of Alec’s information and more at DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services. 00:06:02 — Empowering Health Freedom & Decentralizing Control Systems How Alec became a forerunner in the health freedom movement Alec’s relationship to censorship and social media  GeoEngineering Watch: GreenMed info: Censorship and the Way Forward Why podcasts are the least censored form of media Where we are now in terms of independent media  Rumble: Luke’s Telegram:  Alec’s Telegram:  Unite.Live: Why we need to decentralize our control systems 00:33:26 — How We Become Indoctrinated & The Truth Unveiled by CDC Stats The End of Covid:   Understanding and using statutory and common law 

The End of COVID: Did It Ever Exist? Are Viruses Real? Germ Theory Scientism w/ Alec Zeck #476

The End of COVID: Did It Ever Exist? Are Viruses Real? Germ Theory Scientism w/ Alec Zeck #476
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