#39 - Featuring Russian Pianist Alexei Lubimov

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The 39th episode of Dress Rehearsal, on 107.3 KBFG Seattle, featured Russian pianist Alexei Lubimov, who has explored throughout his career not only the piano but also the fortepiano, the harpsichord and the clavichord. Lubimov attracted notice with his performances of modern scores. In 1968 he performed the Moscow debuts of works by John Cage and Terry Riley, and then championed the works of Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern, Stockhausen, Pierre Boulez, Charles Ives and Ligeti. In the 1970's, his career was slowed down by the ideological censorship that prevailed in the former Soviet Union. It was during this period that his interest veered more into historical instruments. During the hour we will have a chance to listen to several recordings of Lubimov playing various keyboard instruments and jumping from early music to John Cage. In case you missed the live broadcast you can listen to it at the link below!

#39 - Featuring Russian Pianist Alexei Lubimov

#39 - Featuring Russian Pianist Alexei Lubimov
Release Date
