#35 - Remembering Russian Composer and Pianist Samuel Feinberg

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The 35th episode of Dress Rehearsal, on 107.3 KBFG Seattle, featured Russian Pianist and Composer Samuel Feinberg, who from an early age exhibited an extraordinary talent on the piano. At his graduation recital Feinberg performed the entire Well-Tempered Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach by heart and so he was the first pianist to perform such a work by Bach in its integrity in Russia. In 1922, he joined the faculty at the Moscow Conservatory. When Stalin's reign of terror started to affect composers, he had to hide some of the progressive music previously composed. After 1936 his compositions became more conservative. Feinberg died in Moscow in 1962 and his reputation within Russia placed him among the pianistic giants of his age. During the hour we will have a chance to listen to some of Feinberg’s Transcriptions, as well as original compositions. In case you missed the live broadcast you can listen to it at the link below! 

#35 - Remembering Russian Composer and Pianist Samuel Feinberg

#35 - Remembering Russian Composer and Pianist Samuel Feinberg
Release Date
