#27 - Remembering Italian Composer Sylvano Bussotti

Release Date:

The 27th episode of Dress Rehearsal was dedicated to the recently deceased Italian composer Sylvano Bussotti, who passed away last on September 19th 2021. Bussotti was not only a composer but was also a painter, a scenographer and a theatre director. He made large use of graphic notation in his pieces, and he experimented the interaction between sound, notation and vision, creating a synesthetic art derived from historical avant-gardes, from Kandinsky to futurism, to Skryabin and Schoenberg, all the way to Bauhaus. His music and the type of notation he used, allowed for freedom of expression and improvisation from the performer. During the hour we will listen to some of his key pieces to showcase the variety of sounds and sonic situations that he was able to create. We will also listen to his early Mayakovski Recital created in conjunction with the controversial Carmelo Bene. Don't miss it!

#27 - Remembering Italian Composer Sylvano Bussotti

#27 - Remembering Italian Composer Sylvano Bussotti
Release Date
